Friday, February 28, 2020

What This Blog is About

As mentioned before I am studying Media Production at uni and for one of my units called Working in the Media Industries I have to create a weekly blog.

Cinematography 101: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a DP

I've chosen to base this blog around cinematography as this is a potential role I would like to have in the media industry in the future. This blog will include posts about cinematographers, the skills it takes to be a good cinematographer and my journey through projects as a cinematographer.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Who Am I

I'm Archie, 

I am currently in my second year studying Media Production at Bournemouth University where I have created short films, scripts and and apps. In my spare time I like to play sports and hang out with my housemates and my friends. 

My Recent Project

As mentioned in a previous blog as a cinematographer you have to think about a lot of elements. Since my first project back in 2016 I've...